Discover – Why Choose?
Our Ciyive® supplements are the best for you and the best for the planet.
Omegas are made with Ciyive Fish Oil, giving you the highest levels of naturally occurring fish-source omegas compared to any other source of omegas. Ciyive Fish Oil is a perfectly balanced oil that promotes overall health, wellness and vitality. Some oils, such as evening primrose oil, focus on just one specific fatty acid.
Ciyive® Fish Oil Omega produces a uniquely rich "Multi-Omega" oil to give you peace of mind. how? Because all your daily omega needs can be met with this deep-sea fish source, they care deeply about its sustainability. From deep sea to oil, Ciyive Fish Oil Omegas provide every omega your body needs every day—all in clean-tasting oil without that horrible fishy smell. Your friends and colleagues will thank you!
What should you expect?
Expect to feel, move and look better, supported by a healthier overall diet and lifestyle. When you give your body omegas, you may notice better cardio, improved gut-brain health, and positive changes in your skin tone (or glow)* after 3-4 weeks. You'll help your cells (especially those in your gut, liver, lungs, brain, eyes, and ligaments) function more optimally and efficiently. The more you can minimize the negative effects from highly refined sugars, alcohol, saturated fats, cigarette smoke, etc., the more you can help your body feel, move, and look better! Your body gets this. Your body needs this.